The University Chaplains and Campus Ministers are available for pastoral conversation and care on a variety of issues. If ongoing counseling is deemed appropriate, referrals to clinically trained therapists in the University Counseling Center will be made.
Chaplains and Campus Ministers also offer spiritual direction or guidance to members of the Wake Forest community seeking to discern God’s call in the midst of everyday life and assistance to persons wishing to grow closer to God through disciplines such as prayer, spiritual reading, and meditation.
Chaplains and Campus Ministers are available at critical times to facilitate rites of passage — weddings, funerals, and memorial services.
Chaplain’s Office
Call 336.758.5210
Email chaplain@wfu.edu
Chaplain’s Emergency Fund
Providing financial assistance to WFU students, faculty, staff, and contract workers in times of unanticipated financial hardship. More info here.