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Spiritual direction is a form of spiritual companionship offered by a fellow person of faith, to help you pay attention to God’s presence and activity in your life, to recognize the sacredness of your everyday experience, and to assist you in discerning God’s call upon your life.

In spiritual direction, the true spiritual director is God, and the chaplain or campus minister serves more as a companion or guide to help you respond to God’s invitation to go deeper into your prayer life.

Spiritual direction is not counseling. Spiritual direction is not therapy. Spiritual direction explores a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspects of being fully human. Simply put, spiritual direction helps students, faculty, and staff give language to the sacred in their lives.

Several of our chaplains and campus ministers are trained as spiritual directors, and we recommend their services to you as skilled and insightful guides for the journey. The spiritual direction program of the Office of the Chaplain is rooted in deep ecumenism and honors the sacred listening and skillful conversation practices of other traditions, as well.

To learn more about spiritual direction, contact the Office of the Chaplain. The Office of the Chaplain, 336.758.5210. One of our chaplains will be happy to discuss the practice with you personally.

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Chaplain’s Emergency Fund

Providing financial assistance to WFU students, faculty, staff, and contract workers in times of unanticipated financial hardship. More info here.