Christian Life

Christian Campus Ministry
To spread the light of Christ for the benefit of humanity (pro humanitate).
Our Vision
Because we believe that our mission is to spread the light of Christ for the benefit of humanity. . .
We Commit Ourselves to:
- The proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The dynamic partnership between biblical faith, Christian tradition, and the educational enterprise.
- The celebration of the sacredness of all life through worship and ritual.
- The enhancement of the dignity and welfare of each individual.
- The establishment of a just and humane campus environment.
- The modeling of a prophetic witness for justice and peace.
- The guarding and calling forth of the spiritual dimensions of the entire university community.
- The telling of the faith story which brought Wake Forest University into existence and sustains her.
Christian Student Organizations
Athletes In Action (AIA)
- Rev. Joe Haynes, Director
- Kim Haynes, Staff
- Tuesday, 8 pm, Decker Auditorium, Pruitt
Baptist Student Union
- Rev. Chris Towles, Baptist Campus Minister
- Sunday, 3 pm, BLUME Worship, Divinity & Religious Studies Building
- Tuesday, 6-7 pm, Baptist Student Union Lounge (underneath the Deacon Shop)
Bridges International
- Matt Snead, Coordinator
- Anna Waters, volunteer
- Rachel Berry, volunteer
- Wednesday, 5-6:30 pm, Room 108, Kirby Hall
- Collene Stallings, NC Triad Metro Team Leader
- Monday, 4:30-5:30 pm, Women’s Bible Study, Benson 410
- Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 pm, Weekly Gathering
- Thursday, 5-6 pm, Men’s Bible Study, Chaplain’s Lounge (Room 10), Reynolda Hall
Episcopal Student Fellowship
- Rev. James Franklin, Episcopal Campus Minister & Young Adult Missioner to Winston Salem
- Sunday, 3 pm, BLUME Worship, Divinity & Religious Studies Building
- Wednesday, 6 pm, Dinner & Fellowship in Baptist Student Union Lounge (underneath the Deacon Shop)
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- Karen Hutchins, Campus Staff Minister
- Stephen Rowe, Campus Staff Minister
- Thursday, 7 pm, Community Night, Davis Chapel
- Monday, 7 pm, Men’s small group, Benson 343
- Monday, 7:30 pm, Women’s small group, Benson 344
- Wednesday, 6:30pm, Black Campus Ministry small group, Benson 301
Lutheran Student Movement
- Liz Dinkins, Campus Minister
- Sunday, 3 pm, BLUME Worship, Divinity & Religious Studies Building
- Tuesday, 6:00 pm Catholic Lounge, Basement Level, Collins Residence Hall
RUF (Reformed University Fellowship)
- Presbyterian Church in America
- Chris Horne, Campus Minister
- Sara Jane Horne, Campus Minister
- Slaton Schneider, Campus Minister
- Tuesday, 8 pm, Benson 401
Winston-Salem ChiAlpha Christian Fellowship
- Raydon Haskins, Executive Campus Pastor/City Director
- Shyla Gilbert, Campus Ministry Associate
- Friday, 5 pm, Ladies Hangout
- Thursday, 12 pm, Guys Hangout
UKirk Wake Forest
- Meg Kelly, Pastoral Resident
- Katie Barrett Todd, Executive Director
- Sunday, 3 pm, BLUME Worship, Divinity & Religious Studies Building
- Monday, 6:30 pm, Fellowship & Study, Welsey Lounge, Luter Residence Hall
Wake Forest Catholic Community
- Fr. David McCanless, Catholic Chaplain
- Jenn Barlow, Campus Minister
- Tuesday – Thursday, 12 pm, Mass, WFCC Lounge
- Sunday*, 4 pm, Confessions, Kitchin CCM Suite (*or by appointment)
- Wednesday, 6 pm, Community Dinner, WFCC Lounge
- Sunday*, 10:30 am, 4:30 pm, 6 pm, Mass, Davis Chapel (*except for Family Weekend, fall break, spring break, and Holy Week)
WFU Wesley Foundation
United Methodist Campus Ministry
- Haley Givens, MDiv, Campus Minister & Director
- Sunday, 3 pm, BLUME Worship, Divinity & Religious Studies Building
- Tuesday, 7 pm, Small Group, Wesley Lounge, Luter Hall
- Thursday, 6:00 pm, Dinner, Wesley Lounge, Luter Hall
Young Life College
- Ellis Wohlfarth, Direct Ministry
- Wednesday, 7:29 pm, Benson 410
Chaplain’s Office
Call 336.758.5210
Chaplain’s Emergency Fund
Providing financial assistance to WFU students, faculty, staff, and contract workers in times of unanticipated financial hardship. More info here.